I first attended one of Neil's workshops back in October 2013, having decided I wanted to get more from my photography. I wanted to learn about the different settings available on even a basic DSLR camera and get away from shooting in the 'automatic' mode.
Apart from my photography hobby, one of my other interests in life is music and musicians. With tuition from Neil I set myself a goal of being able to take decent photos of concerts, while at the same time learning the more usual aspects of photography, i.e. landscapes, portraiture, architecture etc.
I remember my first workshop with Neil was 'Night Lights' and I recall him showing examples of his photos on his iPad saying that we his trainees would be able to achieve photos like his by the end of the night. I remember thinking to myself 'There's no way me and my cheap DSLR will achieve results like that!'
How wrong I was. As all Neil's trainees would endorse, he makes what sounds impossible 'possible'. With clear concise instruction and tuition I came away with photos that evening I didn't believe I had taken!!
Many years have now passed and I have attended many of Neil's group workshops and also a few 1:1 Master Classes, which I can thoroughly recommend. The group workshops are excellent but the learning you can receive and achieve with a 1:1 Master Class is a very worthwhile investment.
I have not only learned a lot and improved my photography but I have also enjoyed every minute of doing so, being in the company of Neil and the other friendly trainees. I am now getting more enjoyment from my photography than I ever thought possible putting into practice what I have learned from Neil.
All those years ago my simple goal was to be able to take decent concert photos - so It's now very satisfying and rewarding to be commissioned to take photographs of some of my rock music heroes, and to have my images published in magazines. I never would have believed this could or would happen but thanks to Neil's tuition I feel I have achieved my goal for which I will always be very grateful.
Paul Glass

All images on this page are Copyright Paul Glass 2024. No copying or reproduction without written agreement.
Showcase: Paul Glass