If you are considering taking the step from skilled amateur to paid professional, whether part-time or full-time, there are two main routes : trial and error, or planned and prepared.
I did it the first way, trial and error - but it was a long time ago!
I learned by making thousands of mistakes and I could have saved myself years of unnecessary extra work and stress, had I had the right person to mentor me in the early stages of my career.
The truth is that there are very few working professional photographers in the North East who have been around for as long as I have and there is none in the UK whose career has included the writing and presentation of a TV series on photography.
With a career of 40 years, shooting assignments all over the UK and abroad, I feel that can provide new and existing photographic businesses with a unique insight into the industry.
A 4 hour Master Class in the Business of
Wedding, Portrait & Commercial Photography
![](images/careers/digital-photography-training-in-north-east-england -6.jpg)
Duration : 4 Hours
Style : Classroom seminar
Cost : £85
This seminar will show you:
- how to get wedding bookings
- how to get portrait bookings
- how to sell images through image libraries
- how to work out your daily rate
- how to quote on photographic work
- how to sell prints and canvases without doing any work
- how to protect the copyright in your images
- how to find out if someone's stolen your images
- how to insure yourself and your reputation
You'll also receive copies of:
- my wedding, portrait and commercial contracts
- my model release form
- my building release form
to use as your own business documents.