1:1 PERSONAL MASTER CLASSES in Newcastle upon Tyne
4 Hours
Duration : 4 Hours, or longer by arrangement.
Location : Tyneside, or elsewhere by arrangement.
Style : Person Master Class, individually planned.
Cost : £275
This is the ultimate Personal Photography Master Class, with one of the region's longest established experts. Refresh and consolidate your existing skills or explore completely new and exciting visual styles - the choice is yours and every session is carefully devised in advance, following lengthy discussions.
The session will completely and immediately transform your image-making, satisfying you, impressing your family and friends, and setting you on course for a very serious standard of work.

“Absolutely beautiful work.”
Mike Figgis, Oscar-winning Film Director
“...the digital photography wizard!”
David Whetstone, Editor, Culture magazine
“Neil’s images are quite spectacular.”
Brian Aitken, Editor, The Journal
“Neil lives and breathes Photography and as a Teacher,
he is willing to share everything he knows.”
Lewis Jackson (April 2013 student)
“I had a Personal Master Class with Neil as I did not feel confident enough to attend one of his group events. Neil took me from complete novice to being able to actually use my camera confidently. Whilst I am a complete beginner, I now understand the fundamentals of composition, aperture, shutter speed, depth of field, ISO, exposure and exposure compensation. All this in four hours! Thank you Neil for your patience and fabulous teaching.
Worth every pound spent and I will definitely be back to attend more of your courses.”
Karen Graham (June 2013 client)
So why should you choose a Master Class with Neil?